12 AntiViral Toolkit Pro by Eugene Kaspersky\n\nAVP Control Centre\nfor Windows 95/98 && Windows NT\n\nVersion 3.0 build 128\n\nCopyright (c) 1998-98 Kaspersky Lab.
13 Install new component
14 Select Source
15 Install component from
16 Local folder
17 AVP Server
18 &Browse...
19 Enter executable file name
20 Error executing copmponent:%s
28 &Next >
29 Cancel
30 &Help
31 Type password to modify AVP Control Centre Settings
32 Ok
35 Verify password
36 Password:
37 Password incorrect
38 Type password to quit AVP Control Centre
39 AVP Control Centre is locked
40 AVP Control Centre is locked by "%s" connected as network administrator.\n\nPlease wait or contact to Your network administrator.